Interest alerts

Interest alerts are configurable to a high degree and can be a useful tool when you want to react fast on market changes.


Set up is easy – just fill in your alert requirements. We will send you an alert email whenever a new interest is created that matches your criteria.

Multiple interest alerts

You can set up as many alerts as you need to match different criteria.

Multiple interest alerts


Daily & weekly summaries

Gives a quick overview of your active interests and an overview of closing prices vs the previous working day.

Optionally you can have these alerts active but disable them on days you don’t have active interests.

Daily & weekly summaries

Other alerts

On a new trade

The price just changed. Stay updated with trade alerts.

We have a simple on/off switch for this simple yet useful alert.


New company joins GreenPowerHub – take advantage to expand your trading network.


Every interest is an opportunity.


Some opportunities expire

Be alerted on the next opportunity